Monday, September 3, 2012

Color Lecture Reflection

A little over a week ago our class got a lecture all about color. Having this lecture really helped me become confident that this is the right field for me to be studying. I was actively extremely interested unlike I had ever been before. It was a great feeling.

We started out by learning all about the color spectrum, the color wheel, how white light is a mixture every color and how black is the absence of light. This is called additive color mixing. It then moved on to subractive color mixing, which occurs when light interacts with a surface. All light surfaces reflect light, whereas dark surfaces absorb them.

The lecture got progressively more interesting as it got to showing examples of color schemes. We learned of the three basics to colors - hue, value and chroma - along with some assorted vocabulary. These concepts are absolutely essential to know for any design field; they come into play for nearly everything.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we learned of some color unity strategies. We were shown advertisements to enforce these different color qualities which helped an immense amount. I absolutely love looking at advertisements and can’t help but to wonder how they came up with the design that they did. I added some pictures to demonstrate a little of what we learned but I truly do think this lecture not only made me realize this is what I love, but informed me a lot about my field of study.

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