Wednesday, September 26, 2012


In order to get feedback on how our group should go about redesigning the ice cube tray, we were sent out to do interviews on a few people. I questioned three girls from my dorm and have posted their responses below along with a few pictures.

1. Do you have an ice cube tray?
2. How much space does it take up?
    Not much
3. What do you look for in one?
    Has rubber on the bottom to pop out and 
    also color.
4. What struggles do you have?
    Sometimes sticks to freezer when it fills up
5. How likely is it that you will throw it away?
    I will keep it. I like it a lot.
6. What ice shape do you prefer?
7. What could be improved?
    I like it the way it is - actually the tray could 
    be deeper.
8. What emotions do you associate it with? +/-
    Positive know there's ice, but negative 
    when someone forgets to fills with water or when it sticks to freezer.
9. Do you prefer nostalgic or modern?
    Nostalgic - had butterfly-shaped ice cube trays as a child
Brenna's ice cube tray
Bottom of tray

1. Do you have an ice cube tray?
2. Why not?
    I've actually been wanting one - 
    I need one (has a water pitcher 
    and needs ice).
3. What ice shape do you prefer?
4. What could be improved?
    Easier to pop out cubes
5. What emotions do you associate it with? +/-
    Positive - I like ice cube trays 
    and want one.
6. Do you prefer nostalgic or modern?

1. Do you have an ice cube tray?
2. How much space does it take up?
    Tiny chunk in freezer
3. What do you look for in one?
    Depth of cube holders
4. What struggles do you have?
    Filling it up - they always spill. Also deformed 
    ice cubes from uneven filling.
5. How likely is it you will throw it away?
    Pretty likely
6. What shape do you prefer?
7. What could be improved?
    More space in between to prevent "sloshing."
8. What emotions do you associate with it? +/-
    Frustrated when don't fill up properly, but 
    overall positive.
9. Do you prefer nostalgic or modern?
    Modern because it's more efficient.

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