Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Project Summary

Now that the project is finally over, I thought I would share my reflection out of my process book we turned in today:

I actually learned an incredible amount through this project. Not only did I learn how to use the Adobe programs, but also that negative space is good. I was trying to cram way too much into a little space in the beginning since that was something I was not at all comfortable with. That’s definitely important for interior design - you don’t want the room too crowded. That would just be miserable. I also learned lots of color strategies that I tried my best to persue in my poster.

I definitely think my poster has good design and color. After I took the moving photograph with the black background, it inspired the entire poster to have that dark background. I tried to use the pink as an accent on the otherwise grayed areas. I also loved my track going across the page. It really helps to tie it all together in my opinion and assists demonstrating the rolling feature.

If I was to do this, I don’t think I would do anything differently. I am very happy with how it turned out and the valuable lessons I learned along the way. I wouldn’t trade in that knowlege for anything.

The most difficult part of this project for me, without a doubt, would be getting the hang of the computer programs. Laying out the poster on paper went great for me and, at the time, I would’ve rather just kept it that way. However, I’ve definitely become much more comfortable with them now. Also, shooting the moving photo was no easy task either. I don’t have much experience in that field, but it was good to try my hand at it.

My ideas about design definitely have changed over these past four weeks. I pay a lot more attention to it than I used to and have become much more critical. While I still cared for it before, I now actually think of how it could be bettered or sometimes ponder how they even came up with that idea. I like this change of mind.

Overall, I am extremely happen with my final project. I admit that I knew something just didn’t look right in the first few drafts, but I was just too stubborn to figure out how to change it. Now that I have I can’t imagine it any other way. I like how the ‘Clocky’ stands out much more than it did previously. I had a lot of fun with this project

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