Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First Prototype

For today, we were instructed to bring in a prototype of the direction we want to go with our project. For mine, I decided to still go with the secret compartment idea with four steps to get to it. My prototype is a canister sort with a flower on top (representative of our flower, the pink carnation). When opened, it appears as though it is empty, but the top is enclosed. You then must twist the flower which uncovers a compartment, containing yet another canister which then opens and reveals the pin. I like this idea a lot and for right now just need to figure out how to engage the swivel so that turning the flower can open the compartment. In addition, I might want to make the shape more organic. And I need to figure out all of my dimensions so that I can take it to the woodshop next class. Overall, I'm excited about my design. Pictures of my prototype are posted below:

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