Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vessel Progression

For today's class, we were instructed to choose just one object to work with and come up with three different designs for it's vessel. I chose to go with my sorority pin due to the deep background that can really be used towards the design. Due to the secret rituals, I definitely want to make it a secret compartment that holds the pin. In addition, since there are four founders I want there to be four steps to eventually get to the pin. One of the ideas I received in class was to make it like those Russian figures where you open up the doll to find a smaller one inside, and so on. For next class we are supposed to zone in on one idea and create a model of that, so I will have some brainstorming to do in these next few days. Below are my drawings of the three vessels I thought of, along with some statements of the vessel design.

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