Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Project Description & Summary

For the first project of the semester, we started from day one with discussing what we were to do and from there hit the ground running. The first day back to class we were already given an assignment to find four interesting locations/objects to photograph, and make a collage using 4-7 images. For these, I chose to do Fraser Hall, which I love due to the iconic flags on the top; Snow Hall, which is overall a beautiful structure; Gamma Phi Beta, my sorority house seeing as I’ve always loved the architecture of Greek houses; and finally a McDonalds coffee cup. The simplicity of this last one made for an interesting collage, however when made of 75+ images I can’t see that being all too interesting.

We critiqued these collages the next day in class during which time I decided to carry on with my sorority house. I had gotten positive feedback on the cup too, but like I said, I just can’t see that looking superb when blown up to excess. When deciding what I would do to make my collage more interesting seeing as it currently resembled a plain old photograph, I thought of the painting inside the house, of the house, and thought it would be extremely neat to collage these two. I played with this idea for the next critique involving making two collages of the same size. I did one with the painting and real house mixed, and one half and half. This idea got a lot of positive feedback and I loved the idea at this point. I decided that this would for sure be what I was going to do for the final.

The next step was yet 2 more collages up for critique. This time they were to be bigger in size, using 15-20 photographs. The individual photographs themselves were also to be larger for this step. I once again combined the photos of the Gamma Phi house and painting, both mixed and half-and-half. In a bigger size I still liked this idea and felt as though it would only improve as more photos were added. I decided to go with the mixed version for my final at this point, even though it was a hard choice. I felt as though a mixed would be more visually appearing by creating an abstract, yet real image at the same time.

For the final project, we were to use 75+ photos, preferrably matte, of our object and collage them together. We were then to mount it onto some sort of structure to support it, and that concludes our project on photography!

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