Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Martin Puryear and Kendall Buster Reflection

Both of these designers are clearly very talented, yet in very separate ways. Their artwork is very unique, which is what has made these two so successful. Martin Puryear, on one hand is constantly evolving. He has different sources for each of his pieces of art. Overall, all of these works are rather simple, yet organic shapes. You see many cages and rings in his pieces of art.

On the other hand, you see the same thing in every one of Kendall Buster’s works. He always uses the white lantern, yet in different forms. They are absolutely beautiful pieces.

Occassionally I come across an artist or designer that I sort of have to wonder why they are so well known. These are the thoughts that came through my head when viewing Martin Puryears. While his works are quality, they don’t stand out as anything special to me. I feel as though we could have made art projects such as those in eight grade, but maybe I’m just not giving him enough credit.

Buster, on the other hand, ks extremely honorable to me. This is amazing that he can take the same simple thing for all his projects, and still come up with such complete different ideas. One, for example is so large a human can walk into it. This is such a neat ideas and he clearly took it and ran with it.

Overall, I think we can learn something from both of these designers. They’re obviously doing something right considering that they’ve made it in the design world. They both have elements that they feel the most comfortable with and have become known for, something we can learn from.

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