Thursday, February 28, 2013

Delayed Due Date!

Yayy the due date as been postponed by an entire week! More time to procrastinate! That is all <3

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yet Another Snowday

Today we yet again have classes off! It's been a very hectic this week for me due to rehearsals from 4:30-11:30 every night for Rock Chalk Revue this weekend, so I am very grateful for this. I really need to start looking into a good design to start putting into plan and construction however

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today we had a snow day and didn't have class as usually planned. I would like to say that I used my time to work on my project, but instead I just took the time to relax. I like to think that I still have a lot of time to come up with a quality idea and will start with it sometime soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Martin Puryear and Kendall Buster Reflection

Both of these designers are clearly very talented, yet in very separate ways. Their artwork is very unique, which is what has made these two so successful. Martin Puryear, on one hand is constantly evolving. He has different sources for each of his pieces of art. Overall, all of these works are rather simple, yet organic shapes. You see many cages and rings in his pieces of art.

On the other hand, you see the same thing in every one of Kendall Buster’s works. He always uses the white lantern, yet in different forms. They are absolutely beautiful pieces.

Occassionally I come across an artist or designer that I sort of have to wonder why they are so well known. These are the thoughts that came through my head when viewing Martin Puryears. While his works are quality, they don’t stand out as anything special to me. I feel as though we could have made art projects such as those in eight grade, but maybe I’m just not giving him enough credit.

Buster, on the other hand, ks extremely honorable to me. This is amazing that he can take the same simple thing for all his projects, and still come up with such complete different ideas. One, for example is so large a human can walk into it. This is such a neat ideas and he clearly took it and ran with it.

Overall, I think we can learn something from both of these designers. They’re obviously doing something right considering that they’ve made it in the design world. They both have elements that they feel the most comfortable with and have become known for, something we can learn from.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Duality Essay

Today for class, we had to write a one-page essay on a relationship we have with someone or something. I wrote mine on this teddy bear my sister and I share. We got it all the ballpark a few days before I left for college, and promised to send it back and forth to each other. It's called the 'best friends bear' and we named it "Sis". We add something new to it every time we ship it back. She's made a nice pants and shirt set with our picture on it and inside jokes so far. This bear is very important to me.

The purpose of this essay was to use this relationship to develop it into ideas for our cardboard chairs. I could focus on the shipping back-and-forth aspect, or how this duals as a relationship with not just the bear, but also my sister. While I still have a lot to figure out, I think this should be a good start for my idea process.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Newest Project

Last thursday, after turning in our final photo collages, we were introduced our next project: creating a cardboard chair. Without tape or glue. Out of a 4x4 sheet of cardboard. Stable enough to hold our body weight. This was no easy task by any means, and a mock up was already due in class today. While mine in still very simple at this point, I would like to ideally make it more appealing to the eye, and maybe even add a back into it. This model met all the requirements, yet needs more of the design aspect in it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Final Project

After pulling an all-nighter last night, my final collage has finally been finished! I am extremely happy with it and absolutely love how it turned out. I have also gotten very positive feedback from all my friends that have seen it, along with all of the girls in the house. Here's a picture of the final product:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Project Description & Summary

For the first project of the semester, we started from day one with discussing what we were to do and from there hit the ground running. The first day back to class we were already given an assignment to find four interesting locations/objects to photograph, and make a collage using 4-7 images. For these, I chose to do Fraser Hall, which I love due to the iconic flags on the top; Snow Hall, which is overall a beautiful structure; Gamma Phi Beta, my sorority house seeing as I’ve always loved the architecture of Greek houses; and finally a McDonalds coffee cup. The simplicity of this last one made for an interesting collage, however when made of 75+ images I can’t see that being all too interesting.

We critiqued these collages the next day in class during which time I decided to carry on with my sorority house. I had gotten positive feedback on the cup too, but like I said, I just can’t see that looking superb when blown up to excess. When deciding what I would do to make my collage more interesting seeing as it currently resembled a plain old photograph, I thought of the painting inside the house, of the house, and thought it would be extremely neat to collage these two. I played with this idea for the next critique involving making two collages of the same size. I did one with the painting and real house mixed, and one half and half. This idea got a lot of positive feedback and I loved the idea at this point. I decided that this would for sure be what I was going to do for the final.

The next step was yet 2 more collages up for critique. This time they were to be bigger in size, using 15-20 photographs. The individual photographs themselves were also to be larger for this step. I once again combined the photos of the Gamma Phi house and painting, both mixed and half-and-half. In a bigger size I still liked this idea and felt as though it would only improve as more photos were added. I decided to go with the mixed version for my final at this point, even though it was a hard choice. I felt as though a mixed would be more visually appearing by creating an abstract, yet real image at the same time.

For the final project, we were to use 75+ photos, preferrably matte, of our object and collage them together. We were then to mount it onto some sort of structure to support it, and that concludes our project on photography!