Monday, August 27, 2012

Reading #1

The universal message I took from these multiple different articles is how hard it is to explain what exactly is considered design. It is such an extremely broad field that encompasses so much - there's fashion design, interior design, industrial design, art design, graphic design, and the list just keeps on going and going. There was a sentence that demonstrated why there can be so much confusion on what design is. There are so many different meanings - "design is to design a design to produce a design". It went on to explain each of those meanings and they truly are all unique. Another article brought up an interesting point that nearly everything in this world has been designed. Even the natural, land-made objects have been tweaked on, and fixed, by us. One point that really struck me was that, though there were three different articles, all of them mentioned how design isn't absolutely critical. It surprised me that a book on design would confess that it isn't crucial. It definitely has such a large impact on our society; the world would be a such different place without design. Just think of how much more disorganized everything would be! I can't even imagine. Even little things such as iPhone cases draw my attention like crazy; I could spend hours on end online shopping for them. Design in general is just so eye-catching and appealing if done right.

The way this reading connects to my major of interior design is to understand the cruciality of getting everything to work together right. One of the articles mentioned how creating a design is very much a group effort. There's no way one person would be able to make all the decisions for a large project on his/her own; I know personally that would stress me out way too much. It takes many trials and errors to come up with a final winning idea and even then it still takes some back-and-forth to ensure that is truly what you want to go with. I know from experience that this is exactly what happens in the interior design field. My father, being an architect, took me into his firm over the summer to show me exactly what the interior designers take part in. Seeing all the different sketches and progress of just one project is mind-blowing. It takes a ridiculous amount of work but it definitely pays off, seeing the results. Design is so interesting to look at and these readings gave me a much more insightful look into the matter.

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