Thursday, November 29, 2012

Playing with Bristol Board

Our next step was to make some transformations with bristol board. It has many different qualities than paper, most notably having multiple layers. In this way, it's good to play with different thicknesses of the paper. I feel as though leaving all of it solid makes it too dense and too plain. While it is time consuming to peel back different layers, the end result is most definitely worth it seeing as it looks incredible with a light behind it. I plan to use this feature in my final lantern. Below are the bristol board transformations I played with. My favorites, and the ones I plan to continue on with after getting feedback thursday, include the tiled one, the zig zag one near the top of the picture, and the crumbled one with long, narrow, triangular strips crossing in the bottom right. I am excited to see what direction will look the best.

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