Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Final Lantern

It's finally come to the end of all the projects of Design Think & Make I! Here are a few pictures of how my final lantern turned out. I decided to break up the sections to give it some interest and make it more open. I like it overall, but feel like being given another critique would have done it a lot of good. Overall, I am glad to be done for the semester, yet I'm grateful for this enriching experience.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Revised Model

For this class period, we were supposed to revise our models closer to how we wanted our final to look like. I completely redid mine in a new structure since that is what I'm struggling with most at this point. With this structure, I like it as a desk/table light, however once it's the required size I think it will be much too large for that. I think I am going to try to make either a lantern or a wall mount, as well as play with the composition. I have a lot of work to do for next Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First Model

For this class period, we were told to bring in a first model of our final. After making multiple models, I decided to carry on with the tile idea. Having some squares torn away while others left full makes for a very cool effect. While I am still unsure on the shape, I really like this idea and intend to carry on with it for the next class period and eventually my final.